Sunday, April 10, 2011


I was informed that my previous post was not up to par (ahem, MEG)
 so I am writing another one to ease the readers (aka MEG) frustration.

My current weight as of this past 15 minutes was 168.5.
Obviously this is a 3 lb increase from earlier this week.

Bummer, I know.

The good news is it is 9:30 at night and I had a piece and a half of Jet's Pizza, which (as seen in my earlier post) is very very good. So I like to think I might weigh about 166 in the morning, which I believe is an acceptable weight at this time. I am going to go easy on myself for the night because tomorrow begins attempt #2 of the First Lady's diet.

Of course, I am doing my modified one because I am a big weenie who can't do the full blown program. Whatever.
I am okay with this halfway attempt.
Progress is progress no matter how small, right?

Greg has announced he wants to start running with me which is nice
 because having someone accountable is always a good thing....
but if he is slow, tough luck. This girl waits for no one when she is running.

And I would like to say I don't wait because I am so hardcore and blah, blah, blah, but the real reason is once I stop I have a hard time getting back into that rhythm again. haha, so Greg, I am here for you but you are on your own once we get started. I am rooting for you though!

Also, for all you folks who do not keep up with sports, Charles Schwartzel won the Masters today. So when someone mentions it tomorrow you won't have to make a face of confusion because you will already know he was the winner and he is from South Africa.
Isn't my blog so informative? 

Jet's Pizza

Is so so so good.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Here Is the Twist...

Hm, so a day and a half of eating fruits and veggies and I lost three pounds. Interesting.
Weight on Tuesday NIGHT- 165.2
I don't know what to think because I really did eat plenty and I drank so much water I almost want to throw up thinking about maybe it is worth trying again?
This time though, I will make my own modifications, that way I can do it for more than a day and half. Haha.

Only fruits, veggies, and one serving of bread for breakfast, lunch, and snacks. Dinner can be any kind of meat and fruits and veggies and I am even going to say I can have one small sweet thing a day
 (A cupcake is not one small thing....I am going to have to remember that). 

I feel like this is a little easier to, a girl can only eat so many clementines before her fingernail beds begin turning orange. I hope someone else has had that problem or else it is going to seem kind of gross. Oh well. 

Point of the matter...I am down to 165!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Weak Sauce

I have no self control. Caved after a day and half.
Here is my letter of regrets to First Lady Obama:

Dear First Lady,
Let me begin this letter with this statement, "You are a better woman than I."
I am forced to give you major props for not lashing out at the world
due to major hunger pains and cravings for bread
throughout your 3-day torture of only eating fruits and vegetables.
You are strong and I am not. I am embarrassed by my lack of discipline and hang my head with shame.
Maybe next time I won't be such a pansy?
Probably not.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Falling Off the Bandwagon

So, I have been slacking...bad. My weight hasn't changed but by no means has it improved. I have been getting discouraged because I haven't lost any weight since early March, despite the fact that I have been working out every single day. It just gets depressing after a while and I am kind of stuck on where to go from here.

I read online that First Lady Obama does a palate cleansing every now and then so I googled it to see what it was all about. Turns out our "cravings" are actually a trained behavior and you can get yourself out of this behavior by doing a cleanse. For three days you eat only fruits, vegetables, one serving of bread and water. This is suppose to get you out of the cravings for crap food. Then from there you introduce your proteins and all that jazz....So beginning tomorrow, fruits and veggies for this girl. Maybe it will jump kick my lagging healthy initiative.

But do me a favor, please don't ask me to go out to eat for the next three days. My self control is weak and I don't need to be tested. But feel free to come over with some orange slices!!

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