Sunday, February 6, 2011


Let's do a math problem
 (I know, I am shocked too, who ever thought I would do math just for the heck of it?)

If there are 16 ounces in 1 pound and I have lost 4 pounds, how many ounces have I lost?

If you came up with the answer 64 ounces, Congratulations!

 You are either really good with numbers or you quickly clicked on calculator in your start menu and did some swift typing. Either way is fine, I am not one to judge. 

Let's do another math problem
If there are 67.62 ounces in a 2-liter of Coke and I have lost 64 ounces, how many ounces do I have left to lose before I have lost an entire 2 liter's worth of icky fat?



But yes, it is true. I weighed myself this afternoon and I registered at a pretty sweet 173!
 Such good news!
Especially after my exhausting weekend and my depressing post, it makes me happy to see that my eating is really making a difference.
With all this great news it might lead you to ask, "Anna, how did you award youself today?"

My response?
"By eating a cadbury creme egg, a serving (or two) of the cadbury candy eggs, and rotel!"

Luckily I dragged my butt out of the house and ran two miles before I dug into everything I have been pining for these past 3 weeks, thus making feel much less guilty for my slight relapse of overindulgence.
Oh well, what is done is done. I will just have to clean it up this next week. 

So here is to another week of losing weight!
Tonight I leave you with a little food for thought:
This is what I a few ounces short of losing.
(The biggest bottle, obviously.)

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