Sunday, April 3, 2011

Falling Off the Bandwagon

So, I have been slacking...bad. My weight hasn't changed but by no means has it improved. I have been getting discouraged because I haven't lost any weight since early March, despite the fact that I have been working out every single day. It just gets depressing after a while and I am kind of stuck on where to go from here.

I read online that First Lady Obama does a palate cleansing every now and then so I googled it to see what it was all about. Turns out our "cravings" are actually a trained behavior and you can get yourself out of this behavior by doing a cleanse. For three days you eat only fruits, vegetables, one serving of bread and water. This is suppose to get you out of the cravings for crap food. Then from there you introduce your proteins and all that jazz....So beginning tomorrow, fruits and veggies for this girl. Maybe it will jump kick my lagging healthy initiative.

But do me a favor, please don't ask me to go out to eat for the next three days. My self control is weak and I don't need to be tested. But feel free to come over with some orange slices!!

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