Okay, so today I have pushed myself to every boundary I have and I am paying dearly for it. Samantha is in town, and yes, that would be the bride for which the reason this blog and hard work are being done, and we went and worked out at the rec center today like tomorrow would never come...and I mean it.
After thirty minutes on the elliptical at high resistance (which by the way said I burned upwards of 500 calories, but I never believe those, I just do my own calculations on MyDailyPlate) we went downstairs to lift weights but, little did I know, Samantha had her own personal kick-A trainer on her Ipod Touch.
She downloaded this app from Shape magazine which is made for brides to get fit before their weddings. Shape magazine is cruel to their brides, let me tell you what. Whew. Between the crunches, weight lifting, and leg shapers I will be surprised if I can pick up my car keys tomorrow much less a hairbrush or gallon of milk. (Dear AOII's who read this, do not judge me tomorrow if my hair is in a tangled hot mess, just know it is all in the name of being thinnish.)
Despite all that activity, I was feeling pretty good when I got back to the house and played outside with Chester (Megan's dog); by outside I mean I was sitting in our kitchen chairs with the back door open and throwing a squeaky dog toy out in the yard in which Chester would bring back to me at my chair. Ha. But still, I felt okay until I left to go babysit...
Child A and Child B, who will not be named because I think that would be innappropriate to put them on the internet, wanted to go for a "wagon ride" around the neighborhood. Okay folks, a "wagon ride" is where the kids get into the wagon and then I pull and push them all around the neighborhood. Basically I am like a viking slave rowing them across the ocean, if you needed the visual. It. is. torture, BUT highly effective as a workout so I attempted to look at it from my new healthy perspective.
Didn't work.
Combined, Child A and B weigh around 100 pounds if not more, their neighborhood consists of multiple hills and we went around the ENTIRE neighborhood. My hands are aching and feeling blistered, my legs and back hurt from the straining of muscles to make it up all the hills, and I think I am sunburned from the glorious sunshine we were so nicely given today. Exausted is an understatement. Then, on top of all this, Child B requires lifting very often and my arms are just pooped from all this motion! Throw a huge staircase into the equation and you have got one wiped out babysitter. fo' sho'. Now I totally understand why mom's can be so skinny, if I did this daily I would be a world champion weight lifter...you know the ones who can lift and pull cars on ESPN? Yeah, that kind.
In food news, I have kept my calorie intake under 1300 today and that is without including the calories I have burned from working out and tramping through the nieghborhood. Pretty incredible when I think about all that I use to eat in the course of a day. It really puts things into a new light for me.
Also, went to my school placement for the first time on Friday and guess what? My mentor is on Weight Watchers! We pulled out our lunches and we both had identical baggies of raw carrots, turkey sandwiches with mustard and a little something sweet on the side. How great is it that I will also have support in my classroom placement? Awwesome! Loving life right now but don't ask me tomorrow, I might be whistling a different tune...or crying. Ha! Have a happy weekend!
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