Just did a quick burst work out in our living room listening to Comcast's '90's selections/watching Jerseylicious while Kristen sat on the couch eating some ramen noodle/Doritos/taco salad concoction that smelled like heaven and tasted pretty delicious too (I only had one bite, seriously, Kristen can attest).
I have to admit, and Kristen insisted, that I tell you that I was the one who found the devil Ramen-Dorito-Taco Salad recipe online. But the only reason I looked up such a high calorie meal was because of Kristen's massive amount of ramen noodles she purchased on a binge when she was borderline broke. Seriously, she looks like she is stock piling for some major catastrophe. She will be out of luck though should she be unable to boil water, but let's hope we never have to test it. Anyways, the reason I looked it up for her was because she had eaten Ramen for at least one meal per day for about a week. It was wretched to watch and to smell, ha. So I did some googling (one of my most favorite past times next to reading and watching Colin Firth) and found all these recipes that you can add ramen in with so that you are not constantly eating, well, ramen. I am a glutton for punishment because that stuff smelled sooo g-double o-d...good. But back to the point...
That point being I think Kristen might be my greatest challenge yet. If I can turn down all her yummy meals, then maybe I have more will power than I thought. Plus, she eats at the craziest times because she is always so busy so I always end up sitting on the couch eating something weird at midnight because that's when she eats dinner and who wants to eat alone? No one, that's who. But no worries, I will stick to my goal! Love you still Kristen:)
My workout was slacking today so tomorrow I will have to amp it up and work out for a full hour. I did 50 push ups tonight though so I am a little concerned that I will not be able to raise my arms above my head by the morning...I am stretching them out as I type in an effort to keep from having T'Rex arms tomorrow. Ouch. Maybe my muscles won't rebel like I think they will. Wishful thinking on my part, I'm sure.
Special thanks to Jodie for encouraging my two-a-day workout yesterday. I burned a thousand calories! Turns out I can do a lot in 2 1/2 hours of working out. However, my body was not appreciative of this and I laid around like the biggest laziest bum today. No repeats of this, it does me no good. I will need to remember this...so long for today!
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