Monday, March 19, 2012

Death to Cadbury (A monologue)

Let's talk about Lent/Easter/Easter Candy/The Easter Bunny/My Lack of Self Control

1. I gave up chocolate for Lent.

2. I hung in there for 3 weeks.

3. I am very proud of this stat.

4. I caved yesterday and had a few Cadbury Mini Candy Eggs...and by a few I mean 25.

5. This may seem like a lot, but if you have ever eaten them before you are aware of the fact you can fit almost 7 in your hand at one time; quite comfortably I might add.

6. I was okay with the 25, it is really just 2 servings, nothing too terrible. A lot of points on my WW, but I added them dutifully and went on my merry way.

Enter into this evening...I will set the scene.
I have just failed a midterm that I have studiously slaved over for the past two days.

7. Basic math tells us that if there are 7 servings in a bag and I have already eaten 2, then 5 are left.

8. Rhetorical question: How many servings did Anna eat?

9. Rhetorical Correct Answer: 5

10. How many eggs is that exactly? Around 60.

11. Insert shame, grief, denial and guilt. (SLP ladies...They need an Ice Burg for chocolate addicts)

12. Insert anger towards my teacher for being the trickiest professor known to mankind.

13. Insert more shame for anger towards teacher...I mean, maybe it was my own fault? I should have known what the traditional treatment methods for Aphasia were even if they were a single slide and were never discussed.

Final scene, Anna running
 (albeit walking a few times)
furiously over campus and the square
in an attempt to keep her 60 mini eggs from accumulating in her body.

I want to punch that Cadbury Bunny in the face.

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