Sunday, March 27, 2011

Some People Say My Body Fat is too High for My Body...

...and I say, "compared to what?"

Haha, that is a Marcel the Shell   joke. If you haven't seen it, Youtube it A.S.A.P.

But if you are here to read the skinny on my body fat percentage, I got news for you, it ain't so skinny.

Body Fat Percentage: 28.62%

Now, when he told me this, I kind of had a momentary freak out but then he informed me that women ages 18-30 needed to have at least 13-17% body fat in order for their bodies to function properly so I actually only need to lose about 12% of my body fat to be at my optimum.

This equals about a 20 lb loss. Now, with my current 9-10 lbs lost that will equal 30 lbs total; this is what I was aiming for anyways, so it really just confirmed that I was doing what I needed to do all along. Kind of nice I suppose.

So there it is. I am 28% body fat.
Depressing? Yes.
Motivating? Very much so.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

No Loosey Goosey for You!

I got my very first massage today.

Ah, Heaven!

After experiencing the single most wonderful thing next to Cadbury eggs I promptly sent my 168 lb butt running because getting thinnish doesn't have time to feel all nice and loosey goosey. No sir, life is tough and if I hadn't eaten so much my sophomore year I might have been able to appreciate being all groggy and happy. Oh well, this is the life of a chunky girl.

In the midst of all this I forgot to weigh myself this morning, but I have eaten less than 1300 calories (1289, ha) today AND I went running this morning so I am in the clear for Tuesday! Woo hoo! This is the first day I actually stuck to my 1300 calories. I think it might be because of all the water I have been drinking...maybe that has been the trick all along. Either way, it has been a really incredible day.

However, I am beyond excited for Thursday so I can get my body fat calcuated. I am slightly scared it is going to be some massively high number and I will be in a state of depression for the rest of the semester, and maybe my life; but then I get to thinking it can't be too terribly high because I am freakishly healthy in the medical sense (despite my deviated septum). So that is my one sliver lining...I just hope I am not in the double digits. Yikes!

Well stay tuned and I will post it on here...barring it isn't 50% or something of that nature. I might just be too embarassed to put that on the internet.

Friday, March 18, 2011

RWD: Running While Deviated

Accomplishment of the Week:
A 2 consecutive mile run

I know, I know, you are probably thinking,
"Really? 2 miles is an accomplishment? Have you not been running all this time?"
Allow me to explain:

I have been running one mile everytime I have ran since January. I know, logically one would think I would have been up to at least 3 or 4 miles by the third month of running, but I feel I have a pretty good excuse for this act of apparent laziness.

Cue scary music and the "dun, dun, duuun..."

I have a deviated septum.

Seriously folks, when I run it is literally like breathing out of a coffee straw; oxygen just isn't making its way around my body like it should be. Ipso facto, it has taken a lot of time for me to build up the lung capacity to hoof it an extra mile. But, I did it yesterday and it wasn't bad at all! 
What an exciting moment in my path to thinnish. haha. 
My legs were aching this morning, but after todays run, which was just 1 mile (I didn't want to do the celebratory dance too soon and then get hurt or something), they are feeling a little bit better. 
All in all, I am feeling pretty awesome.

My weight has not changed this week, still at a pretty steady 168-170 throughout the day. But I am going to really try and lose that last 8 pounds before May. I want to be 160 when I walk across that platform to get my diploma which, when Megan and I calculated it earlier, will be in less than 5 1/2 weeks! Yay!

Hope everyone has had a great week and enjoys this pretty weather today!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Spring Breaking from Operation Wedding

Not only did I just enjoy a whole week off of school but also a week off of my healthy initiative! Probably a little counterproductive since I was making some real progress, whoops.

But the real question is, "Was it worth it?"
The answer to that is a resounding, "Yes!"
It was worth every single extra calorie I consumed...and that is a lot. ha.

We went skiing so I feel pretty confident that I burned more calories than the average spring breaker and therefore everything I ate may not have been as bad as I am thinking in my head, but even if they were, it wouldn't have really mattered.

Fun Fact: I ate my weight alone in sweet potato fries. Yum.

But the real lesson of this spring break? I love skiing! Other than it kicking my butt (which it did multiple times) and being deathly frightening at moments, it was really really fun. I advise everyone to give it a shot. If it isn't your cup of tea, hanging out at the base drinking isn't too terrible either!

However, the trip is over and I am back to "thin and fit" mode and will be getting serious again. Back to pouring over what I am eating and sweating my face off at a gym wishing I hadn't forgotten my water in the car (I hate when that happens and it happens ALL. THE. TIME.)

                                                       Oh Spring Break I miss you already....

Weight after Spring Break: 168.2 lbs.
Yeah, you read right, after all that I inhaled this past week I still managed to lose a pound!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Creative Differences

The blog is currently in repair. Some creative changes were being made and then I got sleepy so I didn't finish them. Ignore the general mess and chaos that is the page today!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Epic Fall from Grace

I failed miserably today. Just an across the board failure. I not only ate 1600 calories without any inclination of working out, but 400 or so of the calories were from a Sonic M & M Blast.

The worst part? It wasn't even that good. Should have splurged on a Blizzard instead. gah.

But maybe tomorrow I can try and turn back time on my poor decision making of today. I will go running and do some weight-lifting tomorrow...that should help.

My current weight is TBA on account of I haven't been able to weigh myself in the morning for the past week. I hover anywhere from 172 to 175 at night though, so I am assuming I am still around 170.

Of course, after today I might be inching my way upwards.

On a brighter and happier note, the people I babysit for told me I looked thinner when I walked in today!! Hooray! Maybe people are noticing...or maybe they are really nice. Ha. Either way, I am taking it as a point in my corner.

Megan has lost like a billion pounds and I am jealous. I can't seem to get in the double digits. They elude me.
But kudos to Megan! If her sister doesn't kick her butt, she will most likely win her competition between her family. Awesome-ness.

I am getting my percentage of body fat calculated sometime in the next two weeks for extra credit in my tennis class. Turns out those exercise study majors need some test subjects and I am more than willing to volunteer. They make you get in this pool and they do pressure tests and such. It seemed really cool to me and I am hoping they tell me I have some ridiculously low percentage and the rest of me is just big-boned. I am crossing my fingers!!

Hope everyone had a great Thursday and enjoys their Spring Breaks!

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