Friday, March 18, 2011

RWD: Running While Deviated

Accomplishment of the Week:
A 2 consecutive mile run

I know, I know, you are probably thinking,
"Really? 2 miles is an accomplishment? Have you not been running all this time?"
Allow me to explain:

I have been running one mile everytime I have ran since January. I know, logically one would think I would have been up to at least 3 or 4 miles by the third month of running, but I feel I have a pretty good excuse for this act of apparent laziness.

Cue scary music and the "dun, dun, duuun..."

I have a deviated septum.

Seriously folks, when I run it is literally like breathing out of a coffee straw; oxygen just isn't making its way around my body like it should be. Ipso facto, it has taken a lot of time for me to build up the lung capacity to hoof it an extra mile. But, I did it yesterday and it wasn't bad at all! 
What an exciting moment in my path to thinnish. haha. 
My legs were aching this morning, but after todays run, which was just 1 mile (I didn't want to do the celebratory dance too soon and then get hurt or something), they are feeling a little bit better. 
All in all, I am feeling pretty awesome.

My weight has not changed this week, still at a pretty steady 168-170 throughout the day. But I am going to really try and lose that last 8 pounds before May. I want to be 160 when I walk across that platform to get my diploma which, when Megan and I calculated it earlier, will be in less than 5 1/2 weeks! Yay!

Hope everyone has had a great week and enjoys this pretty weather today!

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