I got my very first massage today.
Ah, Heaven!
After experiencing the single most wonderful thing next to Cadbury eggs I promptly sent my 168 lb butt running because getting thinnish doesn't have time to feel all nice and loosey goosey. No sir, life is tough and if I hadn't eaten so much my sophomore year I might have been able to appreciate being all groggy and happy. Oh well, this is the life of a chunky girl.
In the midst of all this I forgot to weigh myself this morning, but I have eaten less than 1300 calories (1289, ha) today AND I went running this morning so I am in the clear for Tuesday! Woo hoo! This is the first day I actually stuck to my 1300 calories. I think it might be because of all the water I have been drinking...maybe that has been the trick all along. Either way, it has been a really incredible day.
However, I am beyond excited for Thursday so I can get my body fat calcuated. I am slightly scared it is going to be some massively high number and I will be in a state of depression for the rest of the semester, and maybe my life; but then I get to thinking it can't be too terribly high because I am freakishly healthy in the medical sense (despite my deviated septum). So that is my one sliver lining...I just hope I am not in the double digits. Yikes!
Well stay tuned and I will post it on here...barring it isn't 50% or something of that nature. I might just be too embarassed to put that on the internet.
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