Sunday, March 13, 2011

Spring Breaking from Operation Wedding

Not only did I just enjoy a whole week off of school but also a week off of my healthy initiative! Probably a little counterproductive since I was making some real progress, whoops.

But the real question is, "Was it worth it?"
The answer to that is a resounding, "Yes!"
It was worth every single extra calorie I consumed...and that is a lot. ha.

We went skiing so I feel pretty confident that I burned more calories than the average spring breaker and therefore everything I ate may not have been as bad as I am thinking in my head, but even if they were, it wouldn't have really mattered.

Fun Fact: I ate my weight alone in sweet potato fries. Yum.

But the real lesson of this spring break? I love skiing! Other than it kicking my butt (which it did multiple times) and being deathly frightening at moments, it was really really fun. I advise everyone to give it a shot. If it isn't your cup of tea, hanging out at the base drinking isn't too terrible either!

However, the trip is over and I am back to "thin and fit" mode and will be getting serious again. Back to pouring over what I am eating and sweating my face off at a gym wishing I hadn't forgotten my water in the car (I hate when that happens and it happens ALL. THE. TIME.)

                                                       Oh Spring Break I miss you already....

Weight after Spring Break: 168.2 lbs.
Yeah, you read right, after all that I inhaled this past week I still managed to lose a pound!

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