I failed miserably today. Just an across the board failure. I not only ate 1600 calories without any inclination of working out, but 400 or so of the calories were from a Sonic M & M Blast.
The worst part? It wasn't even that good. Should have splurged on a Blizzard instead. gah.
But maybe tomorrow I can try and turn back time on my poor decision making of today. I will go running and do some weight-lifting tomorrow...that should help.
My current weight is TBA on account of I haven't been able to weigh myself in the morning for the past week. I hover anywhere from 172 to 175 at night though, so I am assuming I am still around 170.
Of course, after today I might be inching my way upwards.
On a brighter and happier note, the people I babysit for told me I looked thinner when I walked in today!! Hooray! Maybe people are noticing...or maybe they are really nice. Ha. Either way, I am taking it as a point in my corner.
Megan has lost like a billion pounds and I am jealous. I can't seem to get in the double digits. They elude me.
But kudos to Megan! If her sister doesn't kick her butt, she will most likely win her competition between her family. Awesome-ness.
I am getting my percentage of body fat calculated sometime in the next two weeks for extra credit in my tennis class. Turns out those exercise study majors need some test subjects and I am more than willing to volunteer. They make you get in this pool and they do pressure tests and such. It seemed really cool to me and I am hoping they tell me I have some ridiculously low percentage and the rest of me is just big-boned. I am crossing my fingers!!
Hope everyone had a great Thursday and enjoys their Spring Breaks!
I have good news for you. 1600 calories is probably about what you need to maintain your weight for the day. So essentially you broke even! Worry no more.